Sunday, August 5, 2007

It Begins

It has been 4 months since I first got Wynn as an 8 month old puppy and I must say that I have not been consistent in my training. I am beginning this blog as a way to do what I tell my students to do to be good trainers - JOURNAL.

To be effective in training it is important that you have a plan to set you and the dog up for success. You need to know where you are going. You need the tools to get there. You need to understand what behavior you are trying to train and to have a plan to train that behavior. It is also important to journal so that you remember what worked, what didn't, what changed, what surprised you, what you would do different, what you want to repeat, how changes to the picture change (or not) what the dog is doing, and to monitor your progress - or lack of progress.

So this will be my attempt to walk the walk of the talk I've talked and to allow my students and others to follow along as I train the Whippet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pam, thanks so much for doing this! Looking forward to eworking with you!